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Tampereen Tradenomiopiskelijat ry is a registered association formed and maintained 100% by students. TTO ry is the subject organization of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.


We are a local guardian of BBA students, advising on agile and ever-changing student support and livelihood issues, and advocating for students through our representatives.

We take care of students educational and social policy issues and provide entertainment for your life.


We play Finnish skittles, organize excursions, theater evenings, various educations, for new students Hämmästyttävä Ralli and Tradenomiopiskelijoiden kastajaiset and, PISTOT-parties, and other events.

We should also not forget the student overalls for BBA students available through TTO ry, who always wear their trendy walkers from one event to another.


Active people are needed for active activities. Together, we can influence the environment both inside and outside the school.

Nationwide, we are very actively involved in the activities of the Federation of Business Students TROL as a member association and in this way we strive to better perform our role as a local guardian of the interests of BBA students.

As a member association, we organize various activities for BBA students in Tampere and participate in national training events and events organized by TROL. Come along and make your own contribution!



TTO ry oversees the interests of business students studying at Tampere University of Applied Sciences through active educational and social activities, and supports the structural and qualitative development of the business degree program at Tampere University of Applied Sciences. In addition to advocacy, TTO ry organizes leisure activities for students, thus supporting social interaction, well-being, and community spirit among business students and other students.


"Advocate, promoter of well-being, and enhancer of everyday life close to the student."

In 2024, TTO ry is a vibrant and active player in TAMK and among business students. The association actively participates in TAMK's educational policy and organizes diverse and community-oriented leisure activities for business students as well as students from other fields. The association holds a strong position within TAMK, especially among business students. Approximately 80 percent of TAMK's full-time business students are members of the association, and membership is seen as a beneficial and natural choice. In 2024, TTO ry serves all students from the programs it represents, taking into account the needs of different study programs.

Missio & Visio 2022

One of the most important tasks of Tampereen Tradenomiopiskelijat ry is to supervise the interests of Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ BBA students. In advocacy, the special focus is on educational policy issues, i.e. if a student has problems or questions related to studies, TTO helps.


Education policy matters are primarily handled by the association's education policy member and the presidium, but each member of TTO's board can of course be contacted in these matters.

Most commonly, students face problems with courses and curricula. In principle, it is worth trying to resolve these situations and negotiate with the teachers. If this does not work, feel free to contact us. There is power in the crowd and where the voice of one student may not be enough, more than five hundred are usually already listened to.


In addition to solving problems related to studies, TTO also participates in the development of BBA education at Tampere University of Applied Sciences. The association works closely with the staff of business administration, information systems and international business degree programs, bringing out the perspective of students and the Professionals of Business and Technology in the structural and content development of degree programs.


The goal is for every future BBA student at TAMK to receive high-quality and comprehensive teaching.

You can find the contact details of the person responsible for education policy from the contact page.


Tampereen Tradenomiopiskelijat ry wants to stay up-to-date on what is happening in our school, in fact it is the protection of the interests of the members of the association that is the cornerstone of our existence.

The best way to do this is to listen to the students. Is there a problem somewhere? On what theme should the next party be organized? Shall we go down downhill skiing? Whatever it is; if it interests our members, it interests us.

There are relatively few members of the association’s board, so the most comprehensive way to gather feedback and information is to get someone in each group to take the information forward. This is exactly why TTO has created a new contact system.

The contact person acts as a link between the association's board and the membership, informing the board of possible problems, requests and development proposals. Information also moves in another direction, i.e. contacts are usually the first to know about upcoming events and other activities. At the beginning of the school year, from each class that starts their business studies, one contact person is picked.

The job is not difficult and does not take much time, the most important thing is to be social, dare to talk to people and want to make studying more comfortable for everyone. As a reward for their work, the contact persons receive, among other things, free tickets to the Hervannan Hum*la Hyppely and the Kalevan K*nnikierros, as well as free TTO ry overalls badges.


The tutor and members person is responsible for the contact person system.

You can find his contact information from the contact page.

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