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Use the button below to browse our upcoming and past events in the event calendar!


Hämmästyttävä ralli

The school year is in full swing with the familiar but not so safe Hämmästyttävä ralli.

The event should not be taken lightly, as the ticks require both mental and physical weakness. At the event, the teams will also get to know other subject organizations operating at TAMK and the people behind them.


Tradenomiopiskelijoiden kastajaiset

Tampereen tradenomiopiskelijat ry organizes a baptismal session for new students based on tradition. The classes measure each other in fun-loving competitions and swear by the Brotherhood Oath of a Tradenomi student. Classes should, according to tradition, dress uniformly according to the theme, and at the end, the best-dressed class will be rewarded in the Phoenician way. The role of the supreme god is played by Badger, TTO's mascot, who, despite his wicked guilt, is very calm and generous guy.

TTO ry: Freshman olympics

There is a feel for the sports festival in the air as the freshmen arrive in the Eteläpuisto's sun to measure each other. The skills of the teams are tested at the crossroads that require the most athletic performance. This event, which has become very popular in recent years, is a great way to flush the taste of Twilight’s defeat from the mouth and start the night with a win.


Kalevan K*nni Kierros

Badger and TTO ry welcome you to the biggest and most beautiful pub tour of the whole spring! After a cool winter, the hustle and bustle of the morning, Badger will help you explore the Kaleva’s hidden bars.  Grab your own friends and get ready to go on a research trip to Kaleva, where the trips are short and the drinks are cold!


Hervannan Hum*la Hyppely

Hervannan Hum*la Hyppely was born a legend. The event gives its attendee a whole new perspective on worldview.

This crusade every autumn otherwise only opens the doors of the bars used by its regular customers to students. The hidden truth of Hervanta can only be ascertained with one's own eyes one day a year. However, not everyone who wants to can fit in on this trip because of the limited provision of adequate security for the event. So be quick and get yourself a ticket to the unknown while still possible. Come, run and get the coveted coveralls for yourself.


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Soppasauna is the most traditional event for us, where the liver is measured. The goal of the event is clear: Drink a basket of beer with your partner in three hours while holding the basket. If the extract is slackened or the malt drink does not taste good, the couple will not have the opportunity to get their hands on the coveted bucket of the bucket master or the title. Over the years, only a few special cases have succeeded here. When registration for the event opens, you should be quick, as only a limited number of candidates can try to complete the performance each year.


PISTOT is a monthly student party in the restaurant world organized by TTO, TIRO and Pirate.


The goal of the PISTOT student party is to increase study motivation and promote students' social interaction.

During the school year, you will be able to enjoy seven different parties and, as usual, also a PISTOT party cruise in December.


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Muut tapahtumat


Over the years, TTO ry has organized several sittning from hilarious and delicious table parties, such as the annual Christmas party, to a more extensive pattern, such as the spring 2022 Landesitsit!
Sittning have their own code and rules that are slavishly followed. The sittning stick is waved by a pre-defined song director or "toastmaster" whose word is law.
The toastmaster determines the pace of the sittning with breaks, distributes and decides on any penalties, and is responsible for the program.
This is one of the finest traditions in Finnish student culture that should not be missed at any cost - every student should experience at least one sittning during their studies.


Christmas party

Every year, Tampereen Tradenomiopiskelijat ry organizes stylish little Christmas parties for its members, whose program is built around an excellent dinner and music, accompanied by drinking songs. The intention is to spend a nice evening in the Christmas mood and then move on to the fast-paced sequels to the nightclub side.

Anniversary party

Traditionally, TTO ry organizes little Christmas parties every year, but every fifth year we celebrate the anniversary.
The anniversary is celebrated according to old traditions and the label includes the exchange of overalls for costumes and long dresses. A unique table party is an experience that only a few in our subject organization can experience.



Tradenomisemma has been called TTO Business Seminar since its beginnings and was organized for the first time in 2013. The event has established itself as an annual event of TTO ry with a varying theme.


Tradenomisemma is organized in co-operation with TST ry. It is a seminar-style event where TTO ry members get to hear from professionals in different fields and network with other BBA students and already graduated BBAs.


Tradenologia is an ever-growing event for BBA students that connects BBA students nationwide. Tradenologia is touring all over Finland, and is organized every year by a member association of various trade union students.


Tradenologia is held for every BBA student and is definitely an event worthy of its reputation! The tradition program includes a traditionally fast-paced cross-country track that performs the most incredible tasks, and an awesome sequel to the evening, where people get together to have fun.

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Culture & free-time

In addition to the party, the Tampereen Tradenomiopiskelijat ry also offers students various cultural experiences. The purpose is to organize cultural events that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy. Until now, cultural events have consisted of e.g. concerts, theater visits, stand-up evenings, ski trips and more. Everyone can influence the theme of those events, so good ideas are welcome at


The purpose of the excursions is to take students to get acquainted with the business world, destinations of interest to BBA students. In recent years, we have organized study visits, e.g. To the Business and Industry Delegation and the Helsinki Stock Exchange, as well as to Parliament and MTV3's studios.


TTO ry also organizes annual excursions abroad and we have already made trips e.g. To Berlin, Budapest and Prague.

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